About Us

Industrial Systems Corporation (IndSys), is a Saudi Arabian based company specialized in providing high quality, dedicated, professional, turn key services and solutions to all kind of industries within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

IndSys was founded in 1994 . Its activities were originally limited to provide assistance to customers acquiring venture into new industrial investments, wanting to upgrade an existing operation and troubleshooting their process related problems & application issues resulting in improved operational competitiveness.

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Why Choose Us

We strive to be the preferred partner of our clients by safely and consistently delivering quality solutions on time and on budget with teams of employees that apply world class, innovative and often proprietary technology and perform to high standards of professionalism and integrity.
We have a Quality Improvement Program in which we continually strive to improve quality through efforts such as “lessons learned” feedback to project teams.  The result is the elimination or minimizing of errors from occurring in the first place.
Conduct environmentally compatible, clean and fair business with long term success. Work hand-in-hand with the owner’s representatives, engineers and technical experts.



  • To be a leader in the industry and professionally address the service needs that add value to the business.
  • To be an active participant in the growth and development of community.

  • Values

  • Safe work practices.
  • Honesty & Integrity -- Always do the right thing.
  • Our People -- Respect and care for their well-being and development Respect other people & communities.
  • Our Customers -- Understand their needs and develop responsive solutions. Promote mutually beneficial relationships.
  • Goal

  • To be the number one service company in the industry / regions we chose to be in.
  • Understand client needs to meet their requirements and strive for win-win relationship.
  • Be the partner with world class Equipment Manufacturer & Technology providers and keeping our clients / customers abreast with the state of the art latest and most competitive technology.

  • Team

  • We operate a professional local set-up through a well-experienced team of industrial consultants, supported by a reliable network of overseas / international technology & know-how suppliers, engineering and management consultants
  • Our team bring solid experience and firm commitments to clients.
  • Information, knowledge, ideas and results transparently shared within the team / colleagues.